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Marketing, Motivation & Mastermind Meetings.... BizGenius!

Do You Hear Yourself Asking These Questions?


What am I doing wrong?

Why are my efforts not paying off?

When did this stop being fun?

Where did my passion go?

What would it take to turn this thing into the sucess I imagined?



Or Maybe You Find Yourself Wishing For...


Some accountability!

Some support and comradere!

Feedback and a second opinion!
A few new ideas... that work!



 Well.... Welcome to BizGenius!


A weekly 2 hour workshop... meeting... hangout... whatever you want to call it! You'll gather with up to 20 other local business owners who are there to support you... provide feedback... opinions... and accountability.


You'll also listen to a fresh new spin on marketing tools, do some hands-on exercises, and then get a totally inspiring, motivational coaching sesion! You'll be learning "how to" and "how-TO-DO!"  


Marketing mechanics... motivation... and mastermind support:

Biz Genius!





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